
KlangRauschTreffen is a gathering of musicians with open stages, sessions, workshops, dances and two concerts – one on Saturday evening and one final concert on Sunday. Most of the fantastic things that happen at KlangRausch are spontaneous and created by YOU, but there are also some programmed events:

  • Short two-hour workshops. Details will be on our website four weeks before the festival. You do not need to book these in advance: Kurzworkshops & Vorträge
  • Dancing in the beautiful barn “Brümmerhof" on Friday and Saturday evening
  • A concert with some of the musicians on Saturday evening
  • A short concert to close the festival on Sunday afternoon


Friday, 27th to Sunday, 29th of June 2025. Arrive from 3pm. Workshops and dancing from around 7pm on the Friday.


The venue is an open air museum in North West Germany: Museumsdorf Hösseringen

How to get there

The nearest train station for regional trains is Suderburg. The nearest ICE-station (high speed trains) is Uelzen.

From Suderburg there are some busses to “Hösseringen · Haus des Gastes". From there you can walk to the festival site (app. 20 min). There is an English version of www.bahn.de where you will find information on train and bus connections.

There will also be a carpooling arranged via our homepage (“Mitfahrt") in spring.

Where to sleep

Tent · Mobile Home

The entrance fee includes access to the campground or caravan parking. You can camp on the museum grounds where signposted. You can not sleep in the museum buildings. There is car, van and caravan parking just outside of the museum. We do not provide tents.

There is a shower in the museum and serveral WCs on the ground.


There are lots of holiday homes and bed and breakfast nearby so if you want a more peaceful place then a festival camping site can provide. You can have a look here: http://www.tourismus.ibe21.de/html/unterkuenfte.htm

What and where to eat

Food and drink will be available on site from Cachanga · Nativ American Food (vegan, vegetarian, meat). Food will be available at certain times throughout the day. Check the website for more details just before the festival. Perhaps there will be even breakfast.

The nearby village of Hösseringen has a few restaurants and there are supermarkets at Suderburg, wich is 8 km away.

What does it cost

Advance tickets for the whole weekend are available until the 29th of May

The entrance fee includes access to the campground or caravan parking.

"Early Bird" offer until 1st March 2024: 35,- €
Until 29th of May 2024: 50,- €
On location: 55,- €

Advanced sales end on the 29th May so if you have not bought your ticket by then, please pay when you arrive:

Only Friday: 16,- €
Only Saturday: 29,- €
Only Sunday: 16,- €

Everything is included in the price exept the Saturday evening concert. Tickets for this are available on the door at a cost of 5,- € per person.

How do I pay

Payments can be made directly to the festival account. Please email us at to purchase tickets. We'll send you our account details and the festival terms and condition.

Important: Please bring you transfer reciept as proof of purchase; we won't issue you an actual ticket so you will need the reciept to get in.


We are looking forward to meeting you!

The KlangRausch-Crew

Most of the fantastic things that happen at Klangrausch are spontaneous and created by YOU but there are some programmed events:


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Information in English can be found here.


Alle KRT-Produkte hier!


Die Notenhefte „Neues aus alten Büchern“ und vieles mehr hier bestellen!


merit zloch

Merit Zloch
+49 (0)176 - 83297041


Vivien Zeller
+49 (0)179 - 3204296


Matthias Branschke
+49 (0)176 - 40332778

Nicht zu vergessen unsere freiwilligen Helfer und das Team des Museumsdorfs Hösseringen:
Ohne Euch wäre das alles nicht möglich!

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